Schulman Therapy Training Workshops
Learn this amazing deep-tissue technique!
Not taught in any of the massage schools, Schulman Therapy is a unique and highly effective way of relieving muscle tension. It differs greatly from other deep-tissue techniques.
Why should I learn Schulman Therapy?
• Easier on the therapist. Avoid burnout!
• Highly effective in shorter time
• Client remains fully clothed
• Clients will love you for learning this method!
The primary tool is the side of the forearm, which has the advantage of being able to apply considerable pressure without tiring the therapist. Pressure is applied in slow, deep stretching motions, without sliding over the skin. Lasting structural changes are achieved in a short period of time.
Who should learn Schulman Therapy?
• Physical therapists
• Massage therapists
• Chiropractors
• Personal trainers
• Anyone interested in helping others improve their general health
Workshop schedule (Call for dates)
Contact Us
Relief at Last!
Schulman Therapy​
Russ Freestone, CST, LMT
Certified Schulman Therapist
Licensed Massage Therapist
Boise, Idaho
(208) 378-1377
Neck, shoulders, and upper back
1:00-6:00 pm
Low back, hips, and upper legs
1:00-6:00 pm
Extremities (hands, arms, knees, jaw, etc.)
1:00-6:00 pm
Class size is limited to 6, providing you individual training by Russ Freestone, Certified Schulman Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist. Cost is $150 for each 5-hour workshop. Space is limited, so please call to reserve your spot.
These are part of a 100-hour certification program for Schulman Therapy. You can just come to a single workshop, or follow through with the entire certification process.